We evolve and innovate while maintaining the essence of good international consulting and technical assistance.
Association and Trade Agreements with the European Union.
Throughout the last couple of decades, we have worked on actively negotiating and implementing the European Union trade agreements in the world. We started with the great European enlargement to the “east” (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland and Romania) and subsequently in the development of the Barcelona Process in the Mediterranean, having worked on the association agreements of Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Lebanon. Since the turn of the century, we have contributed to the implementation of very relevant agreements in Latin America (Chile, Mexico, Central America, Mercosur, Andean Community, Caricom). In addition, we have good comprehension of the European Union’s trade agreements with the United States, the consequences of Brexit, and relations with countries such as Morocco, China, the Philippines, and Ethiopia, among others.

Strengthening the Rule of Law and Justice, legal reforms, and protection of Human Rights.
Financed by the main international cooperation entities (EU, USAID, IDB, UNDP, OSCE, etc.), we have collaborated in relevant international projects aimed at strengthening the rule of law. Among them we highlight:
- Evaluation of the GOJUST HUMAN RIGTHS Project in the Philippines (AECID/EU).
- Advice on international contracts and arbitration to the Government of Ethiopia and the Office of the Attorney General in the framework of the FETHE (JUSTICE) ACTIVITY project (USAID).
- Integrated and Sustainable Social Cohesion Program in Mexico (EU-PRODESIS).
- Strengthening of the Judicial System in Uzbekistan (OSCE/UNDP).
- Preparation of a Guide (Manual) for the Application of Dispute Settlement Procedures and Mediation Mechanisms within the framework of the Association Agreement between Central America and the European Union.
- Strengthening of the Judicial School in Guatemala (IDB).
- Judicial Reform in Panama (EU).
- Legal frameworks for banano value chains and competitiveness in Belize and ACP countries (EU – BAM Programme).
- Training of the main participants in the justice sector in Guatemala (EU-CAPSEJUST).
European Union Projects and Initiatives.
Since starting in Brussels, BOLEO GLOBAL has participated in numerous programs and initiatives of the European Union, mainly in the field of the development of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Interesting studies and works have been developed, as well as multidisciplinary meetings and training activities with the participation of many European partners. It has also developed several publications, generated numerous conferences and training activities, and developed studies and contributions of great interest for the process of integration of the European Union.

Private sector development, competition and competitiveness.
The generation of wealth is based on the capacity to efficiently manage economic resources and the development of the private sector. To this end, in recent years, we have contributed to numerous projects aimed at strengthening product organizations, improving product quality, or accessing international markets, facilitating competition and increasing competitiveness.
- Strengthening of the intellectual and industrial property rights protection system in Mexico, especially geographical indications (EU-PROTLCUEM).
- Project to Strengthen the Legal Competitiveness of SMEs by improving Quality and Conformity Assessment Procedures in Costa Rica (EU-PROCALIDAD).
- Rural and Local Development Program in Huehuetenango (EU – PDRL).
- Competitiveness and MSMEs Program in Guatemala. Strengthening of the Competitive Sector (EU).
- Banana value chains (EU).
- Harmonization of intellectual property regulations (Estonia).
- Strengthening Quality Management in Lebanon (EU – Qualeb).
Project Evaluation.
The European Union has counted on us to evaluate numerous European and international programs and projects. A good example is Al-INVEST, a program that had important consequences for investment and trade relations with Latin America. We have also evaluated important projects related to Justice (e-Codex with the Ministries of Justice and entities linked to the 28 Member States, GOJUST Human Rights in the Philippines) and economic development (COST, EASME, H2020, …).